Electricity Heist in Lincolnshire Supermarket
Over £30,000 worth of electricity was stolen in an extremely dangerous case of meter tampering in a supermarket in Boston, Lincolnshire.
Meter cheating means tampering with the gas meter so it doesn’t record how much gas is being used or trying to bypass the gas meter completely.
This is gas theft and can lead to a fine or prison sentence. Interfering with something as explosive and inflammable as natural gas is a very big risk. If you suspect gas theft anywhere report it anonymously.
Gas meter cheating can take many forms. Here are some signs to look out for.
Damaging the gas supply risks dangerous leaks. As gas fumes build up in a room it displaces the air causing headaches and even loss of consciousness.
Leaking gas is also highly flammable and can be easily ignited – flicking a light switch is all it takes to cause an explosive fireball risking terrible injuries
If large amounts of gas escape from a tampered meter it can build up in the air throughout the house. Thewhole building is now ready to explodewith all the power and devastating force of a bomb.
Gas meter cheating can take many forms, even smart meters can be unsafe if tampered with. Sometimes it can be hard to tell but here are some clues to look out for around your meter. If you spot any of these signs, report them 100% anonymously.
Meter is facing backwards so display is unreadable, or pipes have been connected the wrong way round.
Meter shows credit has run out, but gas is still available
Meter is missing or has been replaced without authorisation.
Rubber tubing or metal pipes are around or in place of the meter
No visible dial or counter, and there may be a hole or cogs showing. Reading doesn’t increase with gas use, or screen is blank – even when button is pressed
A smell of gas near the meter box
The harm from energy theft is all around you.
Over £30,000 worth of electricity was stolen in an extremely dangerous case of meter tampering in a supermarket in Boston, Lincolnshire.
Energy theft costs us all. What would you do with an extra £50 per bill?
London business owner caused employee’s death when he bypassed the electricity meter.
Learn the importance of UK gas safety checks, the inspection process, and the perils of illegal gas works.
Explosions from gas theft usually destroy the tampered meter so there’s rarely any evidence
London business owner caused employee’s death when he bypassed the electricity meter.
Energy help offers access to free advice on energy efficiency, reducing bills, safety tips, and services for vulnerable households, including home visits, financial guidance, and access to local resources like food banks and debt advice.
Gas explosions can happen when as little as 5-15% of gas gets mixed into the surrounding air in a room. If a gas meter is tampered with it can cause gas leaks within a property which risk fires and catastrophic explosions. To find out more about the danger of gas theft click here.
Although it can be hard to spot the signs of gas theft, here are some things to look out for. This list is not exhaustive and if you have suspicions of anything that is not on the list below you should still always report it:
Gas leaks can cause headaches, dizziness, and loss of consciousness. In severe cases, they can be fatal. Learn about the health risks of gas meter tampering.
Yes, stealing gas is a criminal offense that can result in imprisonment and fines. Learn more about the penalties for gas theft.
Signs include the smell of gas, unusual piping, or no visible dials. Learn to spot gas meter tampering.
Report it immediately to avoid serious safety hazards. Report gas meter tampering.
If you notice suspicious workers or unusual activity digging near gas pipes in the street, check your local council website or contact them to confirm whether the street works have been authorised. If no permit is in place, note the nearest address, and report it to Stay Energy Safe.
If you spot energy theft anywhere, speak up anonymously now.
Or Call 0800 023 2777