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Gas Safety Checks for Homeowners and Tenants

Gas Safety Checks: A Lifesaver Against Energy Theft in the UK

You may have alarms and smart locks to keep your home safe, but do you also have annual gas safety checks?

Whether you’re a tenant in a rented property or you own your own home, every home needs an annual gas safety check.

Landlords are legally obligated to get them carried out every year, in every property, without fail. Without annual gas safety inspections, houses can be ticking time bombs. You, your home, your loved ones, and your neighbours could be at risk.

What are Gas Safety Checks?

The purpose of a gas safety check is to ensure your gas appliances are functioning properly and safely.

You should have gas safety inspections carried out every 12 months, as well as when a new gas appliance is installed in your home or rented property.

These checks can not only identify safety issues but also highlight signs of energy theft.

Failure to check and maintain gas appliances can lead to severe consequences. All household gas appliances can potentially leak dangerous gas into your home.

Gas safety checks may seem like an additional expense. However, they can help to lower bills. Appliances will work more efficiently and be less likely to break down. You can ask your certified gas engineer about configuring your system for the best energy use.

Find out more about gas safety checks on the Gas Safe Register website.

Who Can Perform a Gas Safety Check?

Only a certified gas engineer can carry out a gas safety check.

Anyone that offers to carry out gas safety inspections must be able to show you a valid, in-date licence with the Gas Safe Register.

If they cannot, they may be working illegally.

Gas meter tampering is highly dangerous. It can lead to a hefty fine or a prison sentence.

As well as the physical safety risks to all who live in and around your property, unauthorised gas works can also invalidate your home insurance or boiler warranty (Gas Safe Register).

It is never worth the risk. Always check for the Gas Safe card when having gas work done.

Always report your suspicions of energy theft anonymously, to Stay Energy Safe. Speak up. Stay safe.

The Process of a Gas Safety Check

Gas safety checks usually take around 30 to 60 minutes to complete in an average property. It can take longer if repairs are needed, or in larger properties, or those with a lot of appliances.

What happens during a gas safety check?

Your engineer will inspect your gas appliances to ensure that they:

  • Are burning gas correctly and that no adjustments are needed.
  • Are an appropriate type of appliance for the location they are in.
  • Are securely fitted to the gas pipework and that the physical fitting is stable.

They should also check that:

  • Any flues, chimneys and air vents are all clear and operating properly.
  • There is enough air supply permanently available and suitable for each appliance.
  • All relevant safety devices are functioning correctly.

Gas safety checks play an essential role in identifying unsafe conditions and could help to indicate gas meter tampering or energy theft.

Legal Requirements and Certificates

Landlords are responsible for their properties and have a duty of care to their tenants. No ifs or buts about it.

The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 Act requires all landlords to ensure gas appliances, fittings, and flues are maintained in a safe condition. Annual gas safety checks must be carried out by a Gas Safe registered engineer.

A gas safety check certificate isn’t just a piece of paper. For landlords, it’s proof they’re on the right side of the law and keeping their properties and tenants safe.

For tenants and homeowners, it’s peace of mind, knowing their home is a safe space.

Once gas safety inspections are complete, the engineer will provide a Gas Safety Certificate (also known as a CP12 certificate).

Landlords need to provide a record of this check to tenants within 28 days of gas safety inspections.

Energy Theft and Gas Safety

It is estimated that up to 250,000 cases of energy theft go unreported every single year (RECCo).

Energy theft costs consumers up to £1.4 billion every year, forcing energy suppliers to add around £50 to every honest customer’s bill (RECCo).

Gas theft is not a victimless crime.

Carbon monoxide can build up when gas does not burn properly or is used in an area without proper ventilation. It can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, breathlessness, confusion, loss of consciousness and potentially, death.

Both gas and carbon monoxide are highly flammable. If either are ignited, it can result in a catastrophic fire and explosion. Read real-life stories here.

If you can smell gas, open all doors and windows, turn off the gas supply at the emergency control valve, and leave the property immediately.

What are the signs to look for that might indicate gas meter tampering or energy theft? (Gas Safe Register)

  • Lazy yellow or orange flames instead of crisp blue ones.
  • Flames on the hob or gas fire changing size. 
  • Black marks or stains on or around the appliance.
  • Increased condensation inside windows.

These signs can also be caused by poor appliance maintenance or lack of ventilation. If you spot any of them, you should call a registered professional so they can carry out a gas safety check.

Book your gas safety check today, and learn more about UK energy safety and tips on how to spot and avoid gas theft.

The following resources can also help you to stay gas safe:

It’s every homeowner and tenant’s responsibility to play their part in UK energy safety and keep homes and communities safe.

If you suspect gas theft is happening, always report it, 100% anonymously, to Stay Energy Safe.

Speak up. Stay safe.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a gas safety check take?

Gas safety checks typically take a minimum of 30-60 minutes to complete.

What does a gas safety check involve?

During a gas safety check, a Gas Safe registered engineer ensures that all gas appliances and pipework are safe and in proper working condition.

Do they check radiators on a gas safety check?

While gas safety checks focus on appliances and pipework, they generally do not include inspections of radiators.

How much does a gas safety check cost?

The cost of gas safety inspections can vary depending on the property size, the number of appliances, and whether any repairs are required. You can expect to pay anywhere between £35 and £99. 

How do I arrange a gas safety check?

To arrange a gas safety check, simply contact a Gas Safe registered engineer or you can call 0800 408 5500 to book one and schedule an appointment.


If you spot energy theft anywhere, speak up anonymously now.