Fire in living room

Meter Tampering: Spotting and Preventing Energy Theft

Meter tampering is much more common – and much more dangerous – than you think.

It costs innocent consumers up to £1.4 billion each year, adding around £50 to every household energy bill (Retail Energy Code Company). Sometimes, meter tampering also costs innocent people their lives.

Knowing how to spot and report energy theft is crucial to keep you, your loved ones, and your community safe.

What is Meter Tampering?

Meter tampering is deliberately interfering with a gas or electricity meter to prevent it from accurately recording the amount of energy used, or bypassing a meter so it doesn’t record energy used at all.

Meter tampering is energy theft. Theft is always illegal.

Signs of Meter Tampering in Your Home

30% of tradespeople have seen evidence of meter tampering in clients’ homes (Direct Line).

There are tell-tale signs of illegal meter connections and bypassing of a meter that every tenant, landlord and homeowner must look out for:

On the meter:

  • Numbers not visible, not moving, or running backwards.
  • Loose wires or unusual wiring.
  • Burn or scorch marks on the meter casing.
  • Sparks coming from the meter or wiring.
  • Crackling or hissing noises around the meter.
  • Wires that don’t lead back to the fuse board or trip switch panel.
  • Pipes that have been bypassed, or look out of place, or the use of rubber tubing.
  • The smell of gas around the meter.
  • Signs of overheating such as smoke, burning smells or leaking bitumen.

In your home:

  • Sparks from multiple sockets and switches.
  • Electric shocks from multiple appliances, taps, the bath or shower.
  • Meters locked away.
  • The smell of gas.
  • A prepayment meter that doesn’t need topping up.
  • Gas flames that are bigger than you would expect.
  • If you are a landlord, you should be suspicious if tenants won’t give you access to the meters.
  • If you are a tenant, you might be suspicious if your landlord charges a fixed or very low amount for bills.

The Dangers of Tampering with Gas and Electric Meters

A rigged meter can be unstable. It is only a matter of time before tragedy could strike.

People have caused house fires, gas leaks and electrocuted themselves when trying to cut through wires (Energy Networks Association (ENA)). You can read terrifying real-life meter tampering stories here.

If large amounts of gas build up, just one flick of a light switch can cause a dangerous explosion that can rip through the entire building.

Rigged meters with loose connections can become so hot that they start fires. Interfering with the wires at the meter can also make switches or appliances ‘live’ to the touch or cause them to overheat or malfunction. It puts anyone using these appliances at risk of shocks and severe burns.

Legal Consequences of Meter Tampering

Criminals found guilty of fiddling electricity and gas meters can face up to five years in prison, and up to £2,000 in fines. 

Some have suffered devastating damage to their property because of rigged meters. Some have even lost their lives and taken the lives of innocent people around them.

Fiddling electricity and gas meters might seem like a clever way to save money, but the consequences can be life changing. It is every person’s responsibility to help stop this crime. Always report your suspicions to Stay Energy Safe.

Reporting energy theft is helping to save lives. Report suspicious activity 100% anonymously to Stay Energy Safe, online or by calling 0800 023 2777.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if I suspect a meter is rigged?

If you suspect a rigged meter, report it immediately to Stay Energy Safe. Don't try to fix it or resolve it yourself.

What happens when a meter is tampered?

Meter tampering can lead to potentially deadly safety hazards like gas leaks or electrical fires. It also adds extra cost on to honest bill payers’ bills.

Can a smart meter detect tampering?

Using advanced technology, some smart meters have tamper detection mechanisms built-in, and can allow suppliers to see the amount of energy being used almost in real-time making it much harder for criminals to carry out gas and electric meter hacks without being caught.


If you spot energy theft anywhere, speak up anonymously now.