Smart Meter In Foreground Scaled

How Do Electric Meters Work?

From heating our homes and keeping the lights on, to refrigerating our food, electricity is an everyday essential across the nation.

So, how do electricity meters work? How do you know if you are paying the right amount for your bills? And how can you tell if there is a problem with your electricity meter?

At Stay Energy Safe, we want to keep people safe from the dangers of energy theft. We do this by raising awareness of the dangers of energy theft that could be happening around you. We also let people know how their energy meters work, so they can keep an eye on their bills and energy usage - and keep themselves, and others around them energy safe.

Here is our comprehensive guide to how electric meters work.

Electricity Theft

Electricity theft is not a victimless crime; it puts the people you love in danger. For more information about electricity theft, tips on how to avoid, and real-life stories click here.

What Is an Electricity Meter and Why Do I Need To Read It?

An electricity meter is a device that is found in most properties. It measures the amount of electricity that passes through the meter to be used by appliances in the property. Your supplier will charge you based on the total quantity of electricity that you have used over the period they are billing you for.

So, reading meters is important!

When you read your meter and provide that information to your supplier, they will charge you based on that figure. If you don’t do this, your energy supplier will charge you based on an estimate of your usage. This estimation may be based on the average usage for a property similar to yours, the average usage of your neighbours’ electricity, the time of year, or your previous year’s consumption.

Energy bills are often sent monthly, but they tend to vary in frequency. It can also be bi-monthly, quarterly, bi-annually etc. depending on the tariff you are on. To ensure that your bill is an accurate representation of your usage, the ideal time to conduct a meter reading would be a few days before your bill is due.

How Does an Electricity Meter Work?

Electricity meters are made up of several components, all of which work together to provide your home with a safe and constant source of electricity.

The source of electricity is the mains line, which allows the meter to take power when needed. There is also a ‘cut out’ which provides a layer of safety. If the electricity installation is overloaded, the fuse in the ‘cut out’ will blow, breaking the flow of electricity into the property, preventing the possibility of electrocution or fire.

The left side of the meter is the ‘live side’.

From the ‘electricity cut-out’, there are two wires running into the meter; that being on the ‘live side’ (left) of the meter.

The order of the wires is: live, neutral, neutral, live. The live wires are brown, and the neutral ones are blue. This colour coding keeps everyone safe!

Electricity flows out of the right side of the meter either into an isolation switch or straight into your home to power your appliances.

To ensure that your meter is of a quality standard and will accurately record your consumption, it is branded with an industry seal which is put on during production.

Types of Electricity Meter

For residential premises, there are two types of electricity meter:

  1. Credit meters
  2. Pre-payment meters

The difference between a credit and a pre-payment meter is that with a credit meter you pay based on your consumption over a given period. This can be paid via direct debit, card payment, bank transfer or cash.

With pre-payment meters, you pay in advance for your gas and electricity on a pay-as-you-go basis. This is normally done by buying credit.

How To Read Your Meter

Even though there are two types of meters, they can be presented in three main formats:

  • Digital meters
  • Dial meters
  • Smart meters.

Whilst they all present the same information, they are read in slightly different ways.

Digital Meters:

These meters are very simple to read. Figures are displayed to you on a small digital screen.You take your reading based on these figures, ignoring any numbers after the decimal point or in red.

Dial Meters:

As the name suggests, this meter variant displays your readings through a series of dials that rotate based on your energy consumption. These are slightly more complicated to read. You take the reading by writing down the number that the dial is pointing to. If a dial is between two numbers, no matter how close then you select the lower number. 

Some dial meters have internal dials that just display the numbers. On the right side of the display there are also numbers in red or on a red background; these can be ignored. The numbers not in red are the reading.

Smart Meters:

These are the newest form of meter that are beginning to replace the previous generation of both credit and prepayment meters. These meters show you real-time usage levels and the cost incurred so you can monitor your spending.

Additionally, smart meters will send meter readings automatically to your energy provider using a mobile signal, so you won’t need to take readings anymore.

How To Get a Smart Meter

Getting a smart meter is simple. All you need to do is contact your electricity supplier and request one. Then they will book an installation time and provide you with one free of charge.

Read more about smart meters here.

Finding Your Electricity Supply Number

Your electricity supply number or MPAN number is a 13-digit reference, used to uniquely identify electricity supply points. It is needed when switching electrical supplier or moving into a new home.

If you change supplier, your new supplier will likely ask you for it as part of the switching process. The numbers are associated with the property and not the supplier, so they don’t change if you change supplier. However, your Customer Reference Number is specific to you and allocated by your supplier when they create your account with them

You can find your electrical supply (MPAN) number on your most recent bill. If you do not have access to your bills, then you could find and contact your Distribution Network Operator (DNO) in your area here. If you provide them with your full address, they will be able to provide your number.

Electricity Theft: What Is It?

Electricity theft is done in several ways, but the result is always the same. It involves any form of tampering with your meter or incoming electricity supply. This ensures your meter registers your electricity usage to be less than it is or bypassing the meter completely and registering no usage at all.

This may seem like an easy and victimless crime. It is not.

Electricity theft poses huge risks to anyone living or working near the tampered meter, including electric shocks, severe burns and fire. This poses a risk not only to your family and those within your household, but to your neighbours and your community. 

For more information, please visit our page on electricity theft.

And for any other questions you may have please visit our FAQ page.

You can report energy theft using our online form or call the Stay Energy Safe reporting line on 0800 023 2777 and speak directly to one of the Stay Energy Safe team. Both options enable you to remain 100% anonymous.

Please note, this service is independent to your energy supplier and can only take calls relating the suspected meter tampering or energy theft.


If you spot energy theft anywhere, speak up anonymously now.