Gas theft is a crime. It takes place every day, in homes, on high streets, and in businesses, all across the country. A common tampering method that you may spot is a gas meter bypass.
More than 10,000 cases of energy theft are reported every year to the Stay Energy Safe service. There are a number of cases of relatives, landlords and former partners “fixing” gas meters to save money on gas bills. While most people know that tampering with meters is illegal, many are unaware of the potentially devastating consequences of gas theft. You can read more about the human impact of energy theft here.
If you have an illegal or tampered gas meter in your home or business and have not experienced a gas leak or a gas explosion, you are one of the lucky ones. Many people – gas theft criminals and innocent victims alike – are not so lucky.
Gas meter bypasses are extremely dangerous. Criminals who carry out meter tampering don’t just put their own safety on the line, but also that of others in neighbouring properties too.
What is Gas Meter Fraud and How is it Committed?
There are many well-known types of fraud including financial, identity, and credit card. Gas meter fraud, while less common, is a criminal act that should never be ignored. It must always be reported.
The energy industry has estimated that energy theft costs consumers up to £1.4 billion every year, adding around £50 to every honest customer’s bill.
Gas meter bypasses involve sidestepping the gas meter, so it doesn’t record the actual amount of gas being used. Gas meter tampering can cause the meter to give false results, so you pay less, or nothing at all, for the gas you use, which may sound great, but it is extremely dangerous.
How are gas meter bypasses carried out?
It’s easy to find “expert tips” online for “how to bypass my gas meter.” They may recommend using hosepipes and bicycle inner tubes to “bypass” gas meters. But these sources are NOT experts. The gas tampering methods they are promoting are highly dangerous, as well as highly illegal.
There are also various scammer groups online that are offering to exchange your meter for a fee, saying that having your own meter means you don’t need to pay for your gas. These people will claim that doing this is legal and safe, which is untrue. Learn more about energy scams here.
Read on to find out more about the dangers of a tampered gas meter.
The Dangers of Tampering with Gas Meters
Illegal gas meter adjustments can cause a gas leak which can have serious consequences.
If gas builds up in a room, it displaces the air. All it takes is one spark from a light switch, a charger, or a cigarette lighter to ignite the highly flammable gas. It can create a fireball or blow up a whole building with the equivalent impact of a bomb.
When carbon monoxide fumes (which can occur as a result of meter tampering) build up in a room, it can lead to headaches or loss of consciousness.
Keep your home, loved ones, neighbours and colleagues safe. If you suspect a gas meter has been interfered with or bypassed, report it immediately to Stay Energy Safe. 100% anonymous. Always.
Legal Penalties for Illegal Gas Usage
Criminals who interfere with the gas pipes or try to carry out illegal gas meter adjustments are taking serious risks.
Most gas theft criminals are completely aware that tampering with gas meters is illegal. However, they do it anyway, to avoid paying the full price of their gas bill.
Criminals who carry out illegal gas meter adjustments or tamper with the gas supply face severe consequences if caught. The tampered meter may be cut off, leaving the property it supplies with no heating or hot water, and those responsible for paying the bills being forced to pay back what they owe. including the costs of the energy they have stolen, the cost of the investigation and for making the metering equipment correct and safe again. At worst, penalties for illegal gas theft can be hefty fines of £2,000 or more depending on the level of theft, a criminal record, and even up to 5 years in prison.
Real-Life Consequences of Gas Meter Bypasses
Gas theft happens all around us – it can be in your local corner shop, your favourite restaurant, or carried out by your neighbour or landlord.
The safety risks of gas theft put the people you know and love in danger. Despite what some criminals tell themselves, it is not a victimless crime. Gas theft consequences have seen many people lose their homes and even their lives.
A gas explosion in Darlington blew the tenant of an upstairs flat out of the window and into the back garden, leaving him covered in flames. He was the resident of an upstairs council flat, while the downstairs flat was unoccupied at the time. Read more on the devastating effects of gas theft.
For more information about the safety risks of gas fraud, and tips for how to avoid it, click here.
Anyone attempting to bypass a gas meter to save money on their bills is a dangerous criminal, even though they may not realise it, and must be reported immediately.
If you suspect gas theft, speak up now. Report your suspicions 100% anonymously to Stay Energy Safe online or by calling 0800 023 2777.