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Energy Theft: Latest Facts and Statistics

Energy theft is a crime that often goes unnoticed, but it’s all around us. Energy theft is when people tamper with their electricity or gas meter installations, or remove the meter completely, to reduce their energy bills. This is not only a crime, but also extremely dangerous and puts you, your loved ones and communities in danger.

We have put together a fact sheet that brings energy theft to life.

Energy Theft is on The Rise

  • There has been a 48% increase in reports since 21/22 with an average of over 900 reports a month received by Crimestoppers in the last 10 months (comparing April 21- January 22 to April 23- January 24)
  • It is estimated that up to 250,000 cases of energy theft still go unreported every year.
  • It is also estimated that energy theft is occurring in up to 1 in 150 homes every year.
  • A recent study by Direct Line business insurance found 43% of electricians and gas engineers have been asked by customers to tamper with their meters. (Source: Direct Line Group)
  • Also, nearly all (92%) of the electricians and gas engineers surveyed believe that increased energy costs have led to more people looking to make their meters run slowly to save money on energy. (Source: Direct Line Group)
  • Crimestoppers’ figures show that 11,552 reports about energy theft were received in 2023, up 10% compared to the 10,497 reports received in 2022, and up 62% compared to 2021.

The Cost of Energy Theft 

  • Energy theft costs consumers up to £1.4 billion every year. (Source: Retail Energy Code Company)
  • This adds around £50 a year to every paying customer’s bills. (Source: Retail Energy Code Company
  • Energy theft is a crime, and it could lead to serious fines or imprisonment depending on the scale of the theft. You could face up to 5 years in prison and a £2,000 fine, but this could be a lot higher depending on the scale of the theft and the damage caused to the wider community.
  • In addition, you will also have to pay for the energy that's been stolen and for any work that needs to be undertaken to make the meter installation safe or to replace the meter where necessary.

If you suspect energy theft you can report it 100% anonymously, 24/7, 365 days a year on 0800 023 2777 or by filling out the online form.

Energy Theft. Speak Up. Stay Safe



If you spot energy theft anywhere, speak up anonymously now.