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Energy Theft is a Ticking Time Bomb

Energy theft is all around us, putting vulnerable people and communities at risk. Our Stay Energy Safe campaign promotes energy safety by showing the potential dangers of meter tampering – including sparks, fires, damage to property, explosions and, tragically, sometimes fatalities.

Find out more here

The Hidden Danger of Energy Theft

Crimestoppers has been working with the energy sector since 2016 to raise awareness of the dangers of tampering with electricity and gas meters.

Our campaign “Tick Tock” uses film, radio and posters on trams, railway stations, and phone kiosks to bring the risks of energy theft to life.

We understand that times have been tough in recent months, and the wholesale price of energy has gone up, meaning that for many people, bills are becoming more and more of a concern.

We released this campaign to make people aware of the dangers of tampering with meters in order to save money, and to highlight the alternatives available to reduce your bills safely and legally.

We have three main objectives:

  1. To deter people from meddling with meters – this is not just illegal, but highly dangerous.
  2. To share ideas that can help you save money on bills without putting yourself, your family, your business or your community at risk.
  3. To give anyone that is concerned, the opportunity to report any suspicions of energy theft/meter tampering anonymously here or by phone at 0800 023 2777.

Image of a burnt out plug socket

Energy theft is not a victimless crime

Over £1.4 billion in energy is stolen each year across the UK, adding around £50 per year to the paying customer’s bill. The real cost, however, is the impact on human lives.

You can report your suspicions of energy theft 100% anonymously, 24/7, 365 days a year at the Stay Energy Safe hotline at 0800 023 2777. Alternatively, you can fill out the online form.

Stay Energy Safe is an anonymous and independent service operated by the charity Crimestoppers, so you can be confident that none of your details will be captured, and your identity can remain anonymous.

Find out more about the risks of gas and electricity theft here:

Learn more about electricity theft.

Learn more about gas theft.


If you spot energy theft anywhere, speak up anonymously now.