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Electricity Fraud Sparks Fire Risk in Nottinghamshire Pub

According to an article in the Nottingham Post, a Nottinghamshire pub was put at risk of explosion due to having its electricity meter bypassed. National Grid was called on January 23, after smoke was noticed around the meter by painters doing works in the building. Smoke around the meter is one of the key signs to spot electricity theft.

Energy safety engineers attended the site and found 3 bypasses in total which posed a fire risk, endangering not only the pub itself, but also the tenants living above it. The supply was disconnected, and the property was made safe on the same day. There were also reports of the meter being melted, which is also a key sign of electricity theft.

Police enquiries are still ongoing to establish why this has happened and who is responsible. A spokesperson for National Grid said: "We would like to advise that bypassing the meter is a very dangerous activity as it involves voltages of live electricity that can kill. Anyone attempting to bypass meters are putting their lives at risk as well as lives of our engineers who have to repair and replace equipment and wiring that may have been left in an unsafe condition. Similarly, it can also endanger the lives of those living at, or visiting, the property."

Learn More About Electricity Theft

Electricity theft is not a victimless crime; it puts the people you love in danger. For more information about electricity theft, tips on how to avoid, and real-life stories click here.

The Risks of Bypassing Your Electric Meter

Bypassing an electric meter, or energy theft, is a crime that often goes unnoticed. Learn more about the unknown dangers of energy theft.

1. Increased Fire Risk

Tampering with the electricity supply can cause appliances to become dangerous to touch which may lead to severe burns. Also, electricity theft can result in overheating or malfunctioning of the meter and cables, which may lead to electric shocks, or even fires. Learn more about the dangers of energy theft.

2. Legal Consequences

Tampering with your electric meter is a criminal offence that carries serious consequences. Depending on the extent of the theft, you may be subject to substantial fines or even imprisonment. The penalties can be severe, with potential prison sentences of up to 5 years and fines of £2,000 or more, depending on the damage caused to the community. Furthermore, you will be responsible for paying back the cost of the stolen energy and for any necessary repairs or meter replacements which will be carried out by a qualified engineer.

Protecting Yourself from Electricity Fraud

Understanding the key signs to spot can help you protect yourself from electricity fraud. Smoke around the meter, a melted meter, sparks from multiple sockets and switches and no access to meters can be a few signs to look out for.

Also, with energy bills skyrocketing, there has been an increase in energy scams that falsely promise to reduce your energy bills down to nothing by illegally removing or tampering with meters.

Reporting Energy Theft Energy theft is all around us, putting us all in danger. If you suspect electricity or gas theft, you can report it 100% anonymously, 24/7, 365 days a year on 0800 023 2777 or by filling out the online form.

Stay Energy Safe is an independent service operated by the charity Crimestoppers, and unless you choose to share your details your identity will remain completely anonymous.


If you spot energy theft anywhere, speak up anonymously now.