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Cannabis Farms: How to Spot and Report Grow Houses in the UK

You may not smoke it, and may never have tried it. And you probably wouldn’t dream of growing it. But cannabis farms can be a danger to you and your family in a way you might not think.

Cannabis farms eat up a lot of electricity – around 12,000 kWh per month, which is four times what an average household uses in a year. So, cannabis growers will often steal their electricity to avoid paying massive energy bills.

Since the early 2000s, cannabis cultivation in smaller residential properties across the UK has been on the rise.

That means energy theft could be happening on your street. It means you and your family could be in danger.

What is a Cannabis Farm?

Cannabis farms, also known as grow houses, are properties used to cultivate marijuana on a large scale.

It's reported that 94% of cannabis farms are located in domestic premises. Often, they look like normal houses from the outside, but inside, they contain hundreds of illegal plants.

Growing weed (also known as cannabis) near where people live and work isn’t just illegal; it puts innocent people at risk.


Many of the connections are completed by people who have the required knowledge, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are safe. Often, the electricity supply can be life-threatening to anyone who comes into direct contact with it.

Cannabis growing requires high-intensity lights and fans, and lots of electrical re-wiring. Overloaded electrical circuits can run close to water-filled pipes, and tampered meters with loose connections can also make switches or appliances ‘live’ to the touch or cause them to overheat or malfunction. It puts anyone using these appliances at risk of shocks and severe burns. Appliances can even become so hot that they start fires.

You can read real-life meter tampering stories here.

As well as the physical dangers, energy theft results in over a billion pounds in stolen energy each year. The cost of this theft is passed on to honest customers through higher bills. That’s just not fair.

Many weed farms are operated by organised crime groups who pose a serious threat to communities. They fuel crime and violence, and exploit vulnerable individuals.

For example:

  • Criminals running a cannabis factory have been caught using "fake" labourers to dig up roads and illegally tap into the electricity supply. Police said the people doing the work were often victims of modern slavery.
  • ‘Cuckooing’ involves criminals taking over the properties of vulnerable people to use as a cannabis factory. One woman in her 70s had been forced to live downstairs in her home, without access to shower facilities. Upstairs, criminals were cultivating more than 100 cannabis plants.

In 2022, almost 17,000 suspected victims of modern slavery were reported to the Home Office in the UK. Nearly a third were linked to criminal exploitation, with many forced to work for cannabis farms.

Cannabis-growing criminals look for secluded areas with little traffic. They prefer houses, as they offer more space than a flat. But even small spaces like attics, garages or single bedrooms can be used as weed farms.

For more information about the dangers of energy theft, click here.

How to Recognise Cannabis Cultivation Activities

Cannabis farm criminals try their best to be secretive. But there are always tell-tale signs of a grow house in the UK.

Common Signs of a Grow House

Once you know what to look for, grow houses can be easy to spot:

  • A powerful smell that’s sweet and sickly.
  • Excessive security like extra padlocks and locks on the door, grille fences or bars on windows.
  • Bright lights on 24 hours a day.
  • Blacked-out windows or sealed or blocked vents.
  • High levels of condensation on windows.
  • Noise from fans all day and night.
  • Large piles of rubbish, such as compost bags.
  • Birds gathering on the roof, particularly in cold weather.
  • Unusual wiring, fans, and cabling coming out of the building, with cabling sometimes leading to street lights.

Landlords should also look out for irregular energy bills. This could be a sign that your tenant is growing cannabis.

Steps to Take If You Suspect a Cannabis Grow House is Stealing Energy

If you suspect a cannabis grow house is stealing energy, don’t hesitate. Report it right away to Stay Energy Safe.

We all deserve to feel safe in our homes. We all have a duty of care to our community.

Reporting Cannabis Farms

Remember, growing weed in the UK is never just a harmless crime.

Understanding how to report someone growing weed in the UK is important.

Often, people know about a crime but are afraid to inform the police.

But speaking up can make all the difference. Together, we can reduce the harmful effects of cannabis farms and the dangers they bring to communities.

If you suspect a cannabis farm, share what you know with us, 100% anonymously.

Call the Stay Energy Safe hotline on 0800 023 2777. If you don’t want to talk on the phone, complete the online form instead. We won’t ask who you are, we’ll just pass on what you know.

The service is available 24/7, 365 days a year. 

Legal Implications of Cannabis Cultivation in the UK

Getting caught being involved in a weed farm can lead to several criminal charges.

 You can be charged with either cultivation or production. Production is classified as a 'trafficking' offence. This allows authorities to go after any profits from the crime through a Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (POCA) hearing.

 The penalties for cannabis cultivation in the UK vary based on factors like the size of the operation and the criminal’s role in it. These penalties can be severe – up to 14 years in prison and/or an unlimited fine.

What Does Stay Energy Safe Do?

Stay Energy Safe is a service dedicated to taking information on energy crimes, while keeping your identity 100% anonymous.

It's a completely independent service, run on behalf of the energy industry by the charity Crimestoppers. With the help of Crimestoppers, Stay Energy Safe passes on the details you provide to the relevant energy company so that they can take action, to make sure the meters in question are safe, and don’t pose any risks.

None of the information you share can be traced back to you as an individual, Stay Energy Safe doesn’t see your phone number, your IP address is scrambled, and you will never be asked who you are – only the details about your suspicions are passed on to those who can help.

Remember: cannabis farms are often run by dangerous criminal gangs and are hotspots for energy theft. Don’t turn a blind eye and put your family at risk.

If you suspect a weed farm; if you suspect energy theft, report it to Stay Energy Safe immediately. Call 0800 023 2777 or complete our online form.

No matter who you are or where you live, everyone deserves to feel safe. You can help make that happen.


How can I report a cannabis farm in my area?

If you suspect energy theft, or suspect a cannabis farm, report it to Stay Energy Safe by calling 0800 023 2777 or by filling out the online form. Reporting is always 100% anonymous.

What are the legal consequences of growing cannabis in the UK?

Anyone caught growing cannabis could face up to 14 years in prison and an unlimited fine. Profits from the operation can also be seized under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002.

What should I do if I suspect my neighbour is growing cannabis?

Even the smallest bit of information could save lives. Look for the signs: a sweet, sickly aroma, frequent visitors, excessive security, bright lights always on, blacked out windows, sealed vents, high levels of condensation on windows, noise from fans, large rubbish piles, wiring and fans coming out of the building, birds gathering on the roof, and unusual wiring or cabling leading to street lighting. If you suspect a property is a grow house, report your suspicions to Stay Energy Safe.


If you spot energy theft anywhere, speak up anonymously now.