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Cannabis Farms - What to Do If You Suspect a Grow House

What Is a Cannabis Farm?

Cannabis farms, also known as grow houses. They are where marijuana is grown.

Often, they are in the suburbs and are set up by criminal gangs. This means they can be dangerous places.

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What’s the Problem with Cannabis Farms?

Since dealing or supplying marijuana is illegal, its production is usually hidden from the public and the law.

For cannabis to grow inside, it needs energy. A lot of energy. In fact, cannabis farms typically use about 12,000 kWh (Kilowatt hours) of electricity a month – that’s 4 times more than what the average household consumes in a year.

There have been many cases where these cannabis farms are powered by stolen electricity.

This may seem like a victimless crime, but millions of £s of energy is stolen each year through meter tampering.

The cost of this is added to every honest paying customer’s bills each year. And as energy prices increase, so will the amount that’s added to cover the costs of tampering and theft. Does that sound fair?

And it’s not just the bills that you should be concerned about. Most of the time, people who steal electricity have no training. This means they could make your electricity supply very dangerous. This puts you and the people who live and work nearby in danger.

For more information about the dangers of energy theft, click the link here.

How To Spot a Cannabis Farm?

Anyone setting up a Cannabis farm tries to be secretive to avoid suspicion.

But there are signs that that are difficult to disguise.

1. The Smell

Cannabis plants have a strong smell. The plants take around three months to grow and in the last few weeks the smell is really strong. If there are a lot of plants in a property, you may be able to smell it from the outside.

2. The Warmth

Cannabis plants need heat to grow. This can be spotted in several ways:

  • There may be a lot of condensation on the windows of the property.
  • In winter, there might be no snow or frost on the roof.
  • On cold days, birds will gather on the roof to keep warm.

3. Secrecy and Covered Windows

If the curtains are always drawn or are covered and boarded up from the inside, it’s possible that something is being hidden from view. This isn’t always the best sign. Sometimes, these properties will have a set up in just one room that is visible to the public in a way that looks normal to avoid suspicion, like a family living room with blinds closed or a bedroom with curtains drawn but the remainder of the house has open curtains or blinds.

4. Excessive Security, or Visitors at Odd Hours

Particularly in a neighbourhood that is generally safe, excessive safety measures (extra padlocks and locks on the door, grille fences or bars on windows) may be another sign. There may also be unfamiliar visitors at all hours.

5. Irregular Electricity Bills

Landlords – this is one for you to look out for. Have the electricity bills suddenly dropped? If they are much lower than usual, it’s quite likely that the tenants are tampering with the meter to steal energy. This has the potential to be very dangerous, and you should report it immediately.

6. Bright Lights

Cannabis needs light to grow. It’s unlikely that someone needs bright lights on 24 hours a day - it could be an indicator of a cannabis farm.

7. Ventilation Sounds

Cannabis plants need ventilation to grow. The constant sound of fans is a sign that ventilators are being used in the property. If this is happening at all times of the day and night, then that’s suspicious.

One thing to keep in mind is that you should NOT pursue this on your own. Remember that grow houses are often set up by criminal gangs in association with organised crime. They can be incredibly dangerous. Don’t put yourself or your family at risk.

If you suspect energy theft for any reason, contact Stay Energy Safe using our online form or by telephone at 0800 023 2777. We guarantee you’ll stay 100% anonymous, always.

What Does Stay Energy Safe Do?

If you suspect you’ve spotted a cannabis factory stealing electricity, it’s important that you share any relevant information with Stay Energy Safe.

With the help of our charity partner Crimestoppers, the information provided is passed on to the relevant energy company so that they can take action, often involving the police.

None of the information you share can be traced back to you as an individual – only the details you give by phone, or online, about your suspicions are passed on.

Please don’t turn a blind eye – report energy theft, 100% anonymously today.


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