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Rogue Landlords and Meter Tampering: What Tenants Need to Know

Rogue landlords will go to any lengths to make extra money off their tenants, even at the expense of their safety and lives.

Energy theft by landlords is a growing concern for tenants, with an increasing number resorting to meter tampering and unregistered meters. Not only is this a criminal offence, but it can be dangerous and even deadly for their tenants.

Many tenants are victims of landlord energy scams, but don’t know it.

A staggering 92% of tradespeople surveyed believe that rising expenses has led to more individuals seeking ways to slow down their meters and cut down on energy costs. (Direct Line). Many people are struggling financially – landlords included – but it never justifies putting someone’s health or life at risk.

We have outlined exactly how to protect yourself, your family or flatmates, and your community, and how to stay safe as a tenant below.

Identifying Signs of Meter Tampering by Landlords

Bills Included in Rent

Including bills in the total cost of the rent gives rogue landlords the opportunity to tamper with meters to reduce the cost of energy used, or wipe it out completely. These rogue landlords will still charge tenants for energy in the cost of the rent but pocket the money they ‘save’ by stealing the energy that tenants use meaning they pay little or nothing for it.

Bills included in your rent is not always a red flag by itself. However, always be on the look-out for other tell-tale signs. If you suspect energy theft by landlords, report your suspicions to Stay Energy Safe, 100% anonymously.

Signs Around Your Meter  

Inspect your meters. Look for any additional or exposed wires or rubber hoses. Check if the dials are going backward, not moving or missing. Are there any visible sparks? Can you smell gas or burning by the meter? If you have a pre-payment meter that no longer needs topping up, take note.

These are all signs of energy theft by landlords.

Don’t ever touch a meter you suspect has been tampered with. It could be extremely dangerous and result in casualties and fatalities.

Contact Stay Energy Safe immediately and tell us what you’ve seen. The sooner you report signs of landlord energy theft, the sooner your supplier can make your meter safe again.

Read our guide to learn more about how to spot energy theft.

Restricted Access to Meters

If your landlord keeps electric and gas meters behind a locked door, and won’t grant you access to it, they could be trying to hide the signs of meter tampering.

Every tenant should have access to the isolation switch or valve in case of emergency.

Landlord Refusing a Smart Meter

If your landlord manages the bills at your property, the decision is up to them. But if you pay your bills at your property, you can request to have a smart meter installed.

The government is aiming to implement a target for all energy suppliers to have installed smart meters in at least 80% of homes and 73% of small businesses by the end of 2025 (National Audit Office).

Always discuss it with your landlord first, but no landlord or letting agency should unreasonably refuse your request to have a smart meter installed (Ofgem).

If they do refuse, it could be a sign your landlord is up to no good.

The Dangers of Landlord Meter Tampering for Tenants

Not only are tenants being cheated out of their hard-earned money, but energy theft by landlords exposes you and your family or housemates to electric shocks, burns or fire, which can cause injury and even death.

It can make your home appliances overheat, malfunction, and ‘live’ to the touch, causing electrocution and serious burns. Exposed wiring near tampered meters can also lead to electrical fires that spread rapidly through your home and neighbouring properties.

When rogue landlords tamper with gas meters, they can cause dangerous leaks, causing headaches, loss of consciousness, respiratory problems, and other health issues. Natural gas is also extremely flammable.

When gas builds up, just switching on a light can be enough to cause an explosion that rips through your home.

30% of electricians and gas engineers have spotted signs of meter tampering in people’s homes. 43% have been asked by customers to tamper with meters, and 19% say they either know or work with someone who has seen signs of meter tampering (Direct Line). It is happening all around us.

Like all gas and electrical work, interrupting the supply is something that should only ever be dealt with by a fully trained and qualified professional. However, energy theft by landlords if often carried out using dangerous methods, by people who have little or no knowledge of what they’re doing.

Unaware and innocent tenants are too often the victims.

Tenant Rights and Responsibilities in Energy Theft Situations

What are tenants’ rights when it comes to meter tampering?

Regardless of whether you are a homeowner or not, every person has a right to feel safe in their home. Every tenant has the right to know exactly what they are paying for each month.

Don’t let rogue landlords endanger any more lives. Reporting landlords who tamper with the meter committing energy theft is everyone’s responsibility and helps everyone to rent and live safely. Speaking up helps keep people safe.

How to Report Suspected Electric Meter Tampering Anonymously

If you suspect a landlord, or anyone, of meter tampering, call the Stay Energy Safe service now on 0800 023 2777, or fill out our online form. Both guarantee you stay 100% anonymous.

Even the smallest piece of information could save lives.

Reporting landlords helps you to protect yourself, your loved ones, and the vulnerable members of your community who are unable, or too scared, to protect themselves.

Speak up. Stay safe.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I tell if my landlord is tampering with the electric meter?

Look out for: 

  • Numbers not visible
  • Numbers not moving, or running backwards
  • Extra wiring or the use of rubber piping
  • Damaged meter casing (broken, scorched, melted or removed)
  • No credit but electricity and gas is still available
  • A burning smell
  • The smell of gas
  • Sparks
  • Prepayment meters not requiring top-up
What are the risks associated with meter tampering by landlords?

Energy theft by rogue landlords poses serious risks, including electric shocks, burns, fires, and potential fatalities for you and your family or housemates. Tampering with electric meters can result in electrocution, burns and electrical fires. Tampering with gas meters can lead to health issues and dangerous leaks, and potentially even explosions in your home.

What should I do if I suspect my landlord of energy theft?

Reporting landlords immediately to Stay Energy Safe is essential! Reporting landlords is everyone’s responsibility, to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your community. Report your suspicions 100% anonymously to Stay Energy Safe, on 0800 023 2777, or fill out our online form.

Can a landlord legally refuse to install a smart meter?

If your landlord covers the energy bills, the decision to install a smart meter is ultimately theirs. However, if your tenancy agreement states that you need your landlord’s permission to change the metering at your property, they cannot unreasonably deny this request.


If you spot energy theft anywhere, speak up anonymously now.