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Research: Energy theft is a ticking time bomb. But do people know the dangers?

How much do you know about energy theft?

Everything there is to know? A decent amount? Could you spot the signs?

Our Stay Energy Safe research project, commissioned in 2021, explored how much the public knows about meter tampering and if they can spot the signs. Watch the 60 second video below to see the results.

Key findings showed that:

  • 50% of the UK population know nothing about energy crime
  • 28% of people know what energy theft is, but don’t know the signs to spot

Crimestoppers has been working with the energy sector since 2016 to raise awareness of the dangers of tampering with electricity and gas meters.

You might think energy theft seems like a victimless crime, but you’d be wrong. As well as adding to the cost of your bill, it more importantly also puts you and your loved ones in serious danger of electric shocks, fires, and gas explosions.

To learn more about what energy theft is, and how to spot the signs, click here.

How to report energy theft

Worried about energy theft? If you have the basic details of where you think the energy theft is occurring, that will be enough for an investigation, and, if there is any danger, the meter will be made safe. Report your suspicions of energy theft 24/7, 365 days a year by calling the Stay Energy Safe hotline on 0800 023 2777, or by completing the quick and easy online form. However you contact us you can remain 100% anonymous.

Stay Energy Safe is an anonymous and independent service operated by the charity Crimestoppers.

Find out more about the risks of gas and electricity theft here:

Learn more about electricity theft.

Learn more about gas theft.


If you spot energy theft anywhere, speak up anonymously now.