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How To Pay Off Your Energy Debt

With energy bills increasing, paying them is becoming harder and harder. It’s easier than ever to fall into debt with your energy provider when you are struggling to pay your bills. If you have energy debts that you need to pay off, don’t worry, there are things you can do to help.

One thing you must not do is think that energy theft is a way out. Anyone offering you cheap or free energy is not helping you. Energy theft puts you and your loved one’s lives at risk.

To learn more about how energy theft impacts your community, click here.

Learn More About Electricity Theft

Electricity theft is not a victimless crime; it puts the people you love in danger. For more information about electricity theft, tips on how to avoid it, and real-life stories click here.

How to pay off your energy debt

1. Talk to your supplier

Your first option is to talk to your energy provider and try to negotiate a repayment schedule that works for everyone. If you don’t communicate with them there is a risk that they could disconnect your supply.

The repayment plan will consider the amount that you owe, plus your current use. This means you’ll be paying a fixed amount over a set period to slowly and comfortably pay off your debt.

Find your energy provider here.

2. Apply for a grant

There are grants that are available to help you pay off what you owe.

Grants for energy bills/ debt are a helping hand for individuals and families that are struggling financially and need help paying their energy bills. They can come from organisations such as your energy provider, the government, or other non-profit organisations.

When talking to your energy provider, it could be worth asking if they have a grant that they could offer you or details of any Trusts that may help.

During your application for a grant, you will have to provide information about your financial situation to see if you qualify. The requirements change between suppliers so have a look to see what they require.

If you can’t get a grant from your supplier, you could apply for a grant from the British Gas Energy Trust. This grant is available to anyone who needs it, you don’t have to be a British Gas Customer.

There are also could be energy grants provided by your local council, although the requirements for eligibility will vary.

Click here to find your local councils’ website:

Click here to find any grants run by your local council: Simply Energy Advice

For our article on ‘Help with energy bills’ click here.

3. Pay through your benefits

Did you know that you could help escape your energy debt through your benefits? Are you currently receiving one of the following?

  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income Support
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Pension Credit
  • Universal Credit (but only if you’re not working)

If you are, then you might be eligible to start repaying your debt from your benefits through a Fuel Direct Scheme.

This scheme works by automatically taking a fixed amount from the benefits you receive to pay back what you owe. An extra amount is also taken to pay for your current use.

To set this up, contact Jobcentre and they will contact your energy supplier to inform them that you would like to pay your debt through the Fuel Direct Scheme. They must agree to this and will set up the repayments and let you know how much you’ll be paying.

To learn more about paying your energy debt through your benefits, click here.

We hope this article has given you hope of an energy debt-free future. If you still need advice, please visit the Citizen’s Advice consumer helpline, hopefully, they can help.

For more information how to pay of your energy bills click the following link from Citizen’s Advice.

Click here, for more information about how to get help with your debt.

To report energy theft, click here.


If you spot energy theft anywhere, speak up anonymously now.