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Beware of Energy Scams

Removing your Energy Meter is Illegal!

In these tough economic times, with energy bills skyrocketing, scammers are preying on vulnerable households with false promises of reducing their energy costs. They do that by illegally removing or tampering with their meters.

Removing your meter to reduce your bills is a form of energy theft, whether it's done by you, or someone else on your behalf. Even though it might be tempting, people don’t realise the severe consequences energy theft can result in. Learn more about the unknown dangers of energy theft.

Not only is it illegal, it is also very dangerous as energy theft can lead to shocks, severe burns, lethal gas leaks and catastrophic explosions. Read more about the dangers of energy theft and how to spot it. Also, energy theft that goes unreported adds approximately £50 a year to every paying customer’s bill.

Energy theft is a crime and it could lead to serious fines or imprisonment depending on the scale of the theft. You could face up to 5 years in prison and a £2,000 fine but this could be a lot higher depending on any damage caused to the wider community. In addition, you will also have to pay for the energy that's been stolen and for any engineer works to correct the meter tampering or replace the meter.

The Truth About Removing Meters

What many people don’t realise is that removing or exchanging your meter is illegal. Only a qualified engineer can do this, and you need the permission of your energy supplier to do so. Removing a meter can also be dangerous as if it is not done correctly it could lead to an explosion or fire, injuries or even in some cases death.

If you choose to install your own meter, the same rules apply. Your energy supplier must agree, and you need to get an accredited meter installer to do it. Even if you install your own meter, you still need to pay your energy supplier for your gas and/or electric usage, as they are responsible for supplying energy to your home. You will need to let your supplier read the meter, orprovide them with the meter readings yourself, so they can issue accurate bills.

Recognising Scam Messages

There are various scammer groups online that are offering to remove or exchange your meter for a fee, saying it will reduce your energy bills down to nothing. You might also be approached by someone you know, or a ‘friend of a friend’, who offers to do this for you. These people will claim that doing this is legal and safe, which is untrue.

The scammers are putting you and your loved ones in danger by committing a crime on your behalf. It is important to understand that the scammers are not doing you any favours and are instead taking advantage of you by making money out of a desperate situation.

There are numerous videos online that show how to tamper with meters. These are misleading and dangerous as they don’t show the true picture of the risks tampering with a meter poses.

Reporting Scams and Protecting Yourself

Don’t fall for the lies of the scammers - stay energy safe and protect yourself from the consequences of energy theft!

If you are aware of someone offering these services and therefore suspect energy theft is happening, you can report it 100% anonymously, 24/7, 365 days a year on 0800 023 2777 or by filling out the online form.

Stay Energy Safe is an independent service operated by the charity Crimestoppers, and unless you choose to share your details your identity will remain completely anonymous.

If you are worried you have already been a victim of this scam, please contact your supplier who can help you get an authorised meter re-installed safely.


If you spot energy theft anywhere, speak up anonymously now.